Ask me how I could score it?....
By merit, obviously the kid did pretty good eh? Frame by Frame? On his first attempt?
What I have to say about this kid is this. I DO remember what is was like to be young. I remeber how bad it was. Particulary when I was always made fun of, just as this kid was. I heard of other kids doing things like this, but rarely did it cross my mind.
This kid was wired different. Before you think you know where I am going with this, let me tell you that being wired different isn't a bad thing. The stout hearted take action. Its clear that they hold their ideals with more respect and care than we. NORMAL society spends it life pushing mediacracy at the expense of the extraordinary. NORMAL kids make clics and in/out groups. I despised, almost hated preps, as their focus was so on themselves and how their parents tried to set the kids up for success. That coupled with the shitty family life that he had, what could you expect. Top it off with all the violence that you see everywhere. The conflict that makes all the money in the media. Crappy low life people like those on Survivor who get fame and admonishment for being scum. Card games based on Anime characters who are relentlessly at battle with themselves and others. Conflict at every level is on the order today. And the Internet!! My love/self destructor! Where else can you lie like your a bigshot and everyone with a snag of ethics is forced to believe you until proven otherwise? No wonder so many phucks phester here.
Media, not being itself responsible for this, is glimmering proof of what we hold dear. I mean, shit people. Do you realize, fighting over differences is one thing. Undermining, discrediting, devalueing, reducing, ruining another person's self esteem is quite another. Talk about depressing.
Its about time we all begin learning how to respect other people's differences and opinions as our own. Its the only way we will ever be brought together in peace. This needs to be ingrained in our kids.
Frankly, this is how I try to live, and it seems to work. The only person I have a problem with is myself and that is the key to progress.
I'm sorry this review/opinion is so chaotic. I'm really at a loss of words over this. I pray some healing on the families at both ends, and definately pray for these kids,,, Including Jeff Weise